Saturday, January 16, 2010

Farewell Fiasco

A few hours after former Vol head football coach Lane Kiffin said "sayonara, adios, and later dude" to the University of Tennessee, he wanted to meet with the media one last time. Kiffin didn't want his comments broadcast live, or even recorded at first.

He wanted to speak to the media on the record, but off the recorder, then let the cameras roll to tape his goodbyes. Normally, the media will ban together and refuse such demands, but this time it was obvious that getting something from Kiffin was much better than getting nothing, so most agreed. The drama began when a tv news director refused to meet Kiffin's demands and said his camera would record from the moment the former coach walked in. His argument was, why should tv cameras but forced off, when radio and newspaper tape recorders would be rolling.

Thankfully, someone was recording the pre-presser drama, which turned into an absolute fiasco. A fitting end to Kiffin's tenure at Tennessee.

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