Is there anger because we were excited that the football program appeared to be heading in the right direction?
Is it because there was no warning about Kiffin's departure and it literally blew out of nowhere?
Maybe it's the way the situation was handled by Kiffin. He hastily called a news conference to make the announcement, then demanded there be no cameras present (our photog didn't budge) nor did he take any questions. Heck, he didn't even sit down at the press conference. Why not just make the announcement by posting on Facebook?
Facebook post: Lane Kiffin is leaving Tennessee and joining USC! (243,967 vol fan dislike this)
Kiffin had Tennessee fans from day one. Most of us loved the way he stirred the pot from time to time, (singing Rocky Top all night long" ring a bell?) We loved the enthusiasm and dedication of his assistants, he even appears to be a pretty good coach himself.
The one thing missing?
USC is his dream job, not Tennessee. And there's really no one to blame for that. But we sure as heck can be mad about it.
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